How to Handle Your Triggers and Increase Your Emotional Literacy

how to handle trigger

Do you often get triggered in your relationship or dating situations with men? And you don’t know how to handle them so you don’t get so overwhelmed and in turn sour the dynamics of your relationship?

I’m proudly announcing my trained Coach Veronika’s first program after finishing Module 1 of the Coach Certification Program (that was planned for 4 modules) and just starting with Module 2. Since I helped her get her EUM to marry her she will also help you get the same result within your relationship or marriage with my supervision of the entire coaching process.

So those of you who need extra support and care during the very difficult time of prolonged lockdowns with constant fights and the likely upcoming divorce, you can’t afford to miss this 9-week program starting on January 15, 2021 and every Friday thereafter at 2 pm EST, the investment is $399 for the program only and $449 for the program with two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions option (UPDATE: ALL SESSIONS ARE NOW RECORDINGS ONLY)!! (email me at for plans). However you can get $50 off till Jan 31. I can assure you this program will work so much better than marital counseling because I have been known as the specialist of saving marriage/relationship alone.

Here’s the Modules Breakdown:

Module 1: Heal Your Wounds Heal Your Relationships
Module 2: Deep Dive Into Emotional Healing To Transform Your Love Life
Module 3: The Beauty Of The Mind And Its Flip Side
Module 4: Meet Your Ego. Deal With Blocks Like A Goddess
Module 5A: Handling Your Emotions The High Value Way
Module 5B: Handling Your Emotions The High Value Way
Module 6A: Introduction To Shadow Work For Emerging Goddess Part 1
Module 6B: Introduction To Shadow Work For Emerging Goddess Part 2
Module 7: The Art Of Being And Letting Others Be

Remember, the investment is $399 for the program only and $449 for the program with Two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions option (originally valued at $255).  Based on how enthusiastic the response has been the first 2 weeks of launching seats will go fast because this is a one-of-a-kind program that will teach you everything you need to know to be happy in life and love.

Hurry and sign up today and please email if you need a plan as stated below, we’re here to help you make it possible and affordable for each income bracket.

Remember, the investment is $399 for the program only and $449 for the program with Two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions option (originally valued at $255). Current prices below have reflected the discounts and are valid for 15 people or till Jan 31, 2021 whichever comes first. Based on how enthusiastic the response has been the first 2 weeks of launching seats will go fast because this is a one-of-a-kind program that will teach you everything you need to know to be happy in life and love.

Hurry and sign up today and please email if you need a plan as stated below, we’re here to help you make it possible and affordable for each income bracket.

The course only without follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $190/biweekly or $195/month)


The course with follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $215/biweekly or $220/month)

Emotional Literacy and Trigger Management Academy

Your Ultimate Path to Self-Mastery, Authenticity and Inner Freedom that Make Men Go Crazy About You (Without You Having to Act Crazy)

By: Coach Veronika

Anyone else tried to solve their relationship problems with a pair of shoes and hair extensions? I sincerely hope that I was the only one but I think I am not.

– Being size 0 didn’t help me keep my first marriage from falling apart.

– A tastefully put-together J.Crew wardrobe did not save me from being ghosted by the man of my dreams. Twice.

– Two Degrees in Education and three languages I freely speak could not sustain my inner confidence, when the boyfriend was hardly showing up and too busy for me.

I kept putting my bets on the looks and intellect until I hit mid thirties and got ghosted. Along with my degrees, clothes, appearance and three languages.

By the age of 35, my relationship CV included: breaking up with an emotionally available guy because I could barely tolerate myself and got too overwhelmed by all the goodness that was coming my way; getting involved with a person with narcissistic traits and mild addictions; getting out of that relationship; becoming a single mom; and of course the pinnacle of my relationship career – getting ghosted.

When it happened, I spent five consecutive days in the same pair of stretched in the knees terry cloth sweat pants with ice cream stains. I was too depressed to make an effort and throw it in the washer so I stayed in them. Ben and Jerry’s were the only ones admitted to keep me company. “Salted caramel core” flavor on the jar resonated and made me feel seen.

This love disaster made me realize: I was a naggy emotional basket case swinging between a bat shit crazy mode and a doormat. My desperate inward state did not match my facade. There was neither integrity nor true connectedness with myself.

I was relying solely on a man to keep me happy and internally alive.

My trigger handling skills boiled down to confronting him, spewing my upset all over the guy, fall into the victim mode and show with my words and looks how badly I am suffering and go into silent treatment for days.

I was finding myself feeling angry and passive aggressive most of the time. My default mode was to be pre-upset. I was always ready to be let down and didn’t expect anything good.

Ahhh good old low value ways… I roll my eyes at my former self when I remember those. It was so not fun to be me (or with me) three years back, you know? It was time to get off this roller coaster and finally learn the high value ways to handle triggers and relate to men.

Three years later after this episode, my CV is expanded to being blissfully married to an amazing emotionally available man. I feel peaceful, happy, confident and am being doted on. My only complain is that sometimes he squeezes me too hard with an excuse that he simply can’t resist it! I, in turn, can not resist the pull to share what I discovered three years ago that pulled me out of my stretched ice cream stained pants and allowed me to wear my tastefully put-together wardrobe and chick shoes with authentic pleasure and dignity. NOW I was finally genuinely good enough for them!

Hi, I am Veronica and I used to feel like you – scared, confused and desperately craving for more from a man.

95% of modern relationships are like this:

– “I am trying to make it work, but what do I do with my insecurities? I am an anxious attachment style individual”

– “I’ve got this gorgeous dress and shoes for $500 bucks, hair extensions and mile long eyelashes, but I am getting blocked again and again!!”

– “My husband doesn’t listen to me! He doesn’t like being told what to do and says I am controlling, so we end up in conflict. I know I am fearful and don’t know how to relax and trust myself.. help!”

These scenarios are very common (and I used to follow them all). The thing is, once novelty wears off, we get comfy in our relationship, we often turn to the route of fear, unresolved trauma and childhoods wounds that intimacy is so great at bringing out!

Intimacy is a highlighter of your inner stuff. It will highlight what has been there and magnify it too. If there’s junk, it will highlight it. It there’s light and bliss, it will magnify light and bliss.

Intimacy intensifies experiences.

If we have unhealthy unresolved stuff, we will end up replaying unhealthy patterns with our object of interest. Our insecurities and feeling not good enough will get stirred up and will interfere with a natural process of the relationship and will act as growth stoppers not allowing it to develop, grow strong, bloom and ripen. It will be an arrested development of a relationship.

Instead of coming from a place of love, we give in to being ridden with anxiety and fears because this is what’s inside us. We fear abandonment and simmer in jealousy. Our anxiety shows up in finding things to “fix” outside of us and that can be our partner or our looks, our wardrobe or even our bodies – all as a way to cope with inner emotional turbulence.

The Internet says “be a goddess, be high value”, but how on Earth am I supposed to stay a relaxed, content goddess when I can’t stop thinking that I am about to get dropped like a hot potato??

I am here to make you feel empowered, give you hope and real tools to address the core issue that will clear the road to your goddesshood.

We can keep walking this rocky path and keep stumbling on poky memories, get reactive and insecure OR we can clear it and remove all the emotional debris and old junk buried there once and for all.

The path of inner work turns you into an emotionally available and emotionally literate person who handles triggers the high value way, which is irresistibly mesmerizing to anyone who crosses your path. In a word, a Goddess. It leads you to inner bliss and make others experience the bliss when they are with you.

If you heal your neurosis – you will automatically heal the relationships in your life. FOR life.

If you address your anxiety and insecurities, tame your reactiveness and cultivate acceptance as well as deep “okay-ness” within your own self, you will be relating to your man from a place of love vs. settling for someone or relating to someone based on the matching level of neurosis. “Anxious attacher” no more! You will be simply above it! The dating market competition will become irrelevant. You will be one of only a few who knows how to do it right! You will exude genuine confidence. Your insecurities will become a matter of the past. You will become a head-turner.

If you do that work, aka “inner work” that I am teaching, you will be connecting to people on a way deeper level than the level of childhood wounds and ego. Let alone more sustainable and good feeling to you and your partner.

You will be applying this magic superglue that doesn’t allow relationships fall apart after two or three months and holds them together for decades. If you know of any genuine “till death do us apart” relationships, this is what’s at the core of them.

It depends on YOU, whether it will it be of a strength of a runny school glue that lasts twelve weeks max and then dries out and is good only to go in a garbage can.

OR – it can be the world’s strongest adhesive that will have your man hooked on you for ever and will have your kids saying they dream of having a relationship like “mum and dad’s”.

It’s up to you to decide.

In my opinion, this is what you really need to invest your time and money into! To learn how to shift from relating to a man from the wound level to the heart level. Because the heart level is where an emotional connection, your relationship “glue”, is getting established. And you can not get to that place until you clear the junk that’s blocking you access to it.

You’ve got to start with yourself, and you’ve got to start now!

Remember, the investment is $399 for the program only and $449 for the program with Two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions option (originally valued at $255). Current prices below have reflected the discounts and are valid for 15 people or till Jan 31, 2021 whichever comes first. Based on how enthusiastic the response has been the first 2 weeks of launching seats will go fast because this is a one-of-a-kind program that will teach you everything you need to know to be happy in life and love.

Hurry and sign up today and please email if you need a plan as stated below, we’re here to help you make it possible and affordable for each income bracket.

The course only without follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $190/biweekly or $195/month)


The course with follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $215/biweekly or $220/month)

By the end of this program, you will have:

  • Learned about trauma and how it affects our romantic relationships.
  • Uncovered two main causes of emotional turbulence in your life, why we feel triggered and what to do.
  • Got to know how to feel safe about doing inner work and discovering YOU.
  • Found out why a non-reactive woman is so attractive and how to be that woman!
  • Switched gears from the Drama Queen/Doormat Mode to the Simply Goddess Mode, that catapults you to the top of his priority list.
  • Deep dived into emotional healing, cleared out the biggest emotional debris and received the tools to dismantle any emotional blocks that obstruct your way to experiencing true intimacy.
  • Learned about the mind and the traps it presents that add to our emotional unavailability and what to do to avoid them.
  • Discovered what ego is, as well as its surprising effects on romantic relationships and the way how to outsmart it.
  • Learned how to handle your triggers so that they don’t blow up in your face but instead will make YOU a mind-blowing partner to your man, while enhancing emotional connection and intimacy.
  • Turned yourself into a happy, high value, confident lady, who turns heads and wins hearts.

This course is for you, if you have ever:

  • Missed red flags in your past relationships.
  • Settled for less than you deserve.
  • Rejected good guys.
  • Wasted years on a relationship that was going nowhere.
  • Chosen relationships that made you jump over hurdles instead of being doted on.
  • Searched for ways to “make things work”, including spiritual and even paranormal.

Also, it is for you if you have ever asked yourself:

  • What is it that’s blocking me from creating emotional connection with my partner?
  • What is it, that’s causing me to stay emotionally shut down or blow up at the slightest perceived threat?
  • Why do I rely on other people’s opinion about what’s best for me more, than my own wisdom?

If you recognized yourself in any of these situations, you need to do your inner work.

Let me guess. You have been:

  • Ghosted or disappeared on.
  • Ridden with fear that your partner might leave you for the most part of you love life.
  • All over the place emotionally.
  • Ridden by fear and insecurities rather than basking in intimacy and connectedness with your partner.
  • Your confidence is long gone and there is only a remote memory of it.
  • Acting with your partner too emotional and cray-cray and are now looking for ways to do things differently next time. i.e. a way that doesn’t cost you extra wrinkles, headaches and broken glass!
  • Acting too quiet, and as a result, accumulated lots of anger and frustration that is not helping with your next relationships

What’s included…

Emotional Literacy and Trigger Handling Academy Is a 9 week program. Here’s what you’ll learn, module per module.


Remember our conversation about the magic super glue for your relationships? Well, the quality of the glue (or emotional connection) depends on the woman’s own emotional availability! In the Module 1 we will lay the groundwork for it.


  • Learn what trauma is, how it originates and how it affects our romantic relationships.
  • Discover why a non-reactive woman is so attractive. And – how to be that attractive woman!
  • Switch gears from the Drama Queen Mode to the Simply Goddess Mode and catapult yourself to the top of his priority list.
  • Find out about two main causes of emotional turbulence in our life, why we feel triggered and what to do.


This is an ultimate spring clean of any emotional debris and dismantling emotional blocks that obstruct your way to experiencing true intimacy. I like to say that becoming a rare sought after goddess is easier than many of us think. So if you made a decision that it’s time for you to learn a new, more efficient way of relating to a man, you already did half of that work! The other half will be shown in the Module 2 of my Emotional Literacy and Trigger Handling Academy.


  • Address and heal your deepest wounds from your childhood to create that heart connection with your man. Or any man.
  • Be guided through a special meditation that will help you connect with the wounded you and heal her, safely and gently.
  • Get to know YOU and learn how to feel safe about it.



  • Discover about the mind’s magnificence and – its traps.
  • Leave no rock unturned about victim mentality, comparing yourself to others, repeating the same patterns over and over again, social conditioning and some others
  • Learn about what to treat your mind to so that you are safe from ANY of its tricks.


This is an advanced level of inner work. Here the ladies will discover what ego is and its surprising effects on romantic relationships.


  • Learn the ultimate secret 95% of women do not know, hence keep having miserable love life.
  • Jealousy from the ego perspective and one way to have it serve YOU and create a stronger bond with your man.
  • Learn how to never push him away and be the baby who lights his fire for years to come.


This is two weeks of glorious Q and A sessions and pre-recorded bonuses. (More on that below).


This is the next level of inner work. Conceived by Carl Jung, feels (and delivers results) like a witchcraft. You’ll level up your inner goddess and transform into a new woman. This is where you turn yourself into the Queen perched high above ground (and make the competition of the dating market irrelevant. You become one of just a few. You are sought-after).


We’ll wrap it up on a high (and inspiring) note. You’re an Established Goddess now, woohoo!! By the end of this Module you can confidently say: I am a full time goddess (regardless of your current employment situation).

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you will get:
Emotional Literacy and Trigger Handling Academy ™ ($1020 value)

6 Modules showing you EVERYTHING about the inner work you need to do to create an ultimate emotional connection with your man and not stand on your own way! This is the work that everyone is talking about but almost no one knows what it really is or how to do it.

A complete and detailed description of the elements that make a confident woman, who feels great in her own skin and is a magnet for men they simply can not resist and make them see you as the One.

A Trigger Handling Formula to deal with your triggers the high value way and use them to your advantage so that you strengthen the bond with your man instead of pushing him away, burning bridges and hitting the point of no return.

A blueprint to address your insecurities to get confident and heal yourself to the point that you’re never the reason of relationship breakage.

You will be given all the necessary tools to do inner work in order to never, ever sabotage a healthy relationship again.

We will be doing one module per week so you have ample time to process the information, reflect on it and internalize it BEFORE moving on to the next amazing piece.

I do this to allow you digest the information and try out all the tools that will be released every module while sparing you from the overwhelm that comes with learning new skills and expanding your emotional knowledge base. We will be doing our inner work safely and mindfully.

PLUS These bonuses

BONUS 1 (the welcome bonus)

Bonus class: ‘The Five Pillars of being a High Value Woman” class ($85 value) released immediately as you sign up! This is my gratitude bonus.


Three 1.5 Hour Group Coaching sessions to make sure your get your burning questions answered and can move forward with clarity and confidence. ($382 value) – 11/24/20; 12/22/20; 12/29/20)

A private, supportive student-only Facebook community with fellow students and yours, truly.

An email access to me during the entire course for no-fluff, personalized feedback


Bonus class: The Anger Solution on Thursday, released on Dec., 24th ($85 value)

Bonus class: Cultivating Compassion towards yourself and others, released on Dec., 31st. ($85 value)

BONUS 4 (if you pay the full-price)

Two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions on 1/28/21 and 2/25/2021 – meaning you’re staying under my care up until the end of February next year and have a personal feedback tailored specifically for your situation. ($255 value)

“Leaning back for extroverted goddesses” ($85 value) released on 1/21/2021

“The Self-Care Hero” Masterclass ($85 value) released on 1/28/2021

Remember, the investment is $399 for the program only and $449 for the program with Two 1.5 Hour Follow-Up Group Coaching sessions option (originally valued at $255). Current prices below have reflected the discounts and are valid for 15 people or till Jan 31, 2021 whichever comes first. Based on how enthusiastic the response has been the first 2 weeks of launching seats will go fast because this is a one-of-a-kind program that will teach you everything you need to know to be happy in life and love.

Hurry and sign up today and please email if you need a plan as stated below, we’re here to help you make it possible and affordable for each income bracket.

The course only without follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $190/biweekly or $195/month)


The course with follow-up group coaching

(choose a plan if you need one: 2 payments of $215/biweekly or $220/month)


By the age of 35, my relationship resume included: breaking up with an emotionally available guy because I could barely tolerate myself and got too overwhelmed by all the goodness that was coming my way; getting involved with a person with narcissistic traits and mild addictions; getting out of that relationship; becoming a single mom; getting into a long distance situationship and of course the pinnacle of my relationship career – getting ghosted. This is when I found Kat. And that turned everything around.

Five months later he was asking me to be exclusive, four months after that he relocated to be with me and was leaving his home city and career behind. Another two months later we got married.

Three years later, my relationship CV is expanded to being blissfully married to an amazing emotionally available man.

I feel peaceful, happy, confident and am being doted on. My only complain is that sometimes he squeezes me too hard with an excuse that he simply can’t resist it!!

Kat’s wisdom is what any confused, scared woman needs. It’s a chill pill, a heart and eye-opener all in one. After experiencing its life-changing effect on to my own love life and connection with myself, I am dedicated to spreading the knowledge and helping women who are struggling in their relationships by turning them into emotionally available high value goddesses so they can have ever-green, ever expanding and strong, blissful partnerships. A little secret: it’s easier than many of us think!


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